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Supercharging Counselors

We're building a map so that counselors can be their best navigators.

College and guidance counselors are awesome. They act as mentors, guides, and navigators for their high school students. They’re passionate about helping students find their purpose and passion, helping them define their goals and setting them on a path to achieve them.

How are counselors supposed to gather information from all 100,000+ college and trade school programs, distill the data, analyze it and use it effectively to help their students?

The problem is that they’re not equipped with the best tools, specifically to help students get into the college that maximizes their potential.

There are more than 6,000 accredited colleges in the US (including community colleges and trade schools) with more than 350 different types of majors or fields of study. Each program (a combination of a school, a degree, and a major) has hundreds of data points on likelihood of admission and outcomes: from median SAT score to graduation rate, employment rate, median income, and everything in between.

In this context, how are counselors supposed to gather information from all 100,000+ college and trade school programs, distill the data, analyze it and use it effectively to help their students?

The growing amount of data available is both a blessing and a curse. We have more information than ever at our fingertips, but without the tools to use and analyze it, we can become inundated.

Oh, and there’s also a shortage of college counselors. According to the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), in the US, there is 1 college counselor for every 408 student. A 1-408 ratio!!

The recommendation from the ASCA is 1-250 (and even that seems high).

How can counselors provide deep, individualized help to all students from freshman to senior year if they have hundreds of students to counsel every year?

This leads many students to turn to their parents, their friends, or private college counselors.

The Path App alone is a fantastic map to help students tactfully chart their path. But what makes a map even more powerful is a navigator who is an expert at reading it. That’s why we’re also building software tools designed for counselors. Tools that makes their efficiency, reach and impact skyrocket.

The Path App alone is a fantastic map to help students tactfully chart their path. But what makes a map even more powerful is a navigator who is an expert at reading it.

First, our software tools for counselors include a dynamic database of financial outcomes for all college and trade school program. All the outcome data that matters in one place, distilled and easy to use so that counselors can save time and focus on the student, not the data collection.

Our first public look at top program scores! Any surprises?

Second, our software tools include a dashboard of relevant student characteristics. Easy access to each student's skills and interests as they evolve over time enhances counselors' ability to provide focused and individualized guidance.

Third, our software tools include a college matching and suggestion system. Our algorithms provides counselors with insights into schools and majors that align with the interests and abilities of their students. It also makes sure that those programs have good financial outcomes so that students know that college will be worth it.

Counselors know their students need more than college admissions tips, they need a map for their individual path that maximizes their potential.With our software tools, counselors will be equipped with that map to be the most effective navigators.

Make sure you sign up for the test launch if you're interested in learning more!


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